The Wooley Camp

This is a site devoted to recording the available history of Wooley Camp, and to aiding the members of the camp in keeping in touch.

Though this site is not intended for public consumption, and most of it is not accessable to non-members, I've provided a brief description of what Wooley Camp is so you don't go away too frustrated.

Wooley Camp is an island of private property in the middle of the Marble Mountains Wilderness. It has been owned for generations by decendants of a few individuals who founded it as a hunting and fishing camp around the turn of the century. Rustic though it may be, it has had some very distinguished members over the years including President Herbert Hoover, Mr. David Packard, and Mr. Bill Hewlett.

Much to our dismay, the Steelhead fishing has gotten considerably worse over the past few decades to the point that the California DFG has now decided to close Wooley Creek to fishing entirely. We still make our annual trip in the fall, and are planning to increase our emphasis on Deer and Elk hunting in the Marbles until the Steelhead populations recover.

All such activities tend to play second fiddle to the real purpose of the trip, which is to drink cheap red wine, smoke cigars, and tell stories on a porch blessed with what is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful views in the world.

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